Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turkey Day

It has been suggested that Robinson Thanksgivings be changed to a different date; therefore, this Thanksgiving we are calling a simple Turkey Day. Because after all, we did enjoy turkey on this day. It has become a family tradition to turn Thanksgiving into a true event! Let's see, there have been hospital visits, bed rest, pericarditis, crashed ovens.... I mean, it really is quite comical. What do you do when Thanksgiving doesn't turn out the way that you originally planned? I take advantage of the incredible evening light and take pictures!!! Pictures without photoshop edits... and of course, lots and lots of wine consumption!
It turned out to be a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our very own family chef, Maggie, cooked up some amazing side dishes and the most incredible appetizers. And of course the famous dressing made another appearance. The retro green kitchen countertops really enhanced these dishes, don't you think? I loved it!
We laughed and giggled over Thanksgiving stories past and ate until our belt buckles needed loosening.
It was so nice to also have my brother in Houston to join in on the festivities. I absolutely love him being in Houston and he is such an involved uncle with Liam. I love you baby brother!
This year I am thankful for so very much. For family and friends and all the joy that one little toddler brings.
"Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"  Chronicles 16:34


  1. Great family time, great pics, great food, bad football game.

  2. Bad football game? Try absolutely, positively, HORRIBLE football game.

    Cute pics though!

  3. This just fills my heart with JOY! I love knowing you are surrounded by Robinson love! And so gracious to include your brother....xoxoMom

  4. And what a fun time we had...once two of us got home from the doc in the box, that is. You're right, this is getting comical! Maybe if we had Thanksgiving a week early we could dodge this crazy holiday "tradition" bullet? Oh well, all was not least we taught Liam the wonders of squirt can whipped cream! ;)
    And yes...those retro countertops. I tried HARD to get my parents to ditch them during both remodels. Now they're just part of home around there, right?
    So glad Steven could be with us. We always love having him - he's family!
    Thanks for the lovely post. Even with the distractions, we are blessed and I'm thankful! Love you
