Monday, October 19, 2009

23 1/2 weeks!

I have been told that more bump pictures were needed and that you are supposed to use a stuffed animal as a reference! Sorry people... I am new at this! I had Bill take a few this weekend, and I did go back to my 2 sports bra standard as the girls are just too much these days and my back needs a little break! Besides, they are starting to scare some of my girlfriends around here! Haha... I think they are all nervous that they are not going to go back to normal... Mommy swears they will and I have been tracking with her so far... let's just hope I leave her track come baby weight as I do not feel like having a 9 pound baby!!! She was one tough cookie!!! Thanks mom for sticking it out for 36 hours to have your 9 pound daughter, 3 weeks late... NATURALLY NO DRUGS.... (I will be having the drugs!)


  1. I love it! You look great! How are you feeling?

  2. Thanks! Feeling pretty good actually! Just scared of all this swine flu stuff going around - 3 people in my neighborhood have confirmed cases! ahhh! How is your little man? I just love the bath time photos!

  3. You look beautiful Kate...I love you and can't wait to see you this weekend!

  4. Thank you mommy! Yea! you figured out how to post comments!
