Thursday, December 15, 2011

Texas A&M Class of 2032

The Domann Family invited us to join in on their yearly visit to Aggieland for a Texas A&M tailgate tradition. We loaded up the Suburban, bleeding Maroon, and headed back to our Alma mater. As we walked through the tunnel on the way to the game, we were feeling pretty good about how well we “fit in.” I mean, we still look like we could be students there, right? We passed by the Stadium window and quickly realized that even though our hearts still feel 20, maybe the almost 2 year old boys in strollers gave us away?
I wouldn't trade this view for anything!

We decided to brave the stands with our toddlers. Believe us or not, the boys did fantastic! They loved every minute of it. They loved the candy popcorn the lady sitting behind us shared… I just hope we did not “share” our cold. They loved sitting in our laps and screaming at the top of their lungs when we scored, or didn’t score… all the same excitement! Haha…
They loved the Whoop! And even learned “Go, Go, Aggies!!!” and we have been saying ever since whenever a football game comes on TV.
Carin and I decided not to push our luck and left after halftime… 2% for 2 toddlers age 2? Sorry about that Aggies! We strolled through campus while the boys napped in their strollers and picked up a few t-shirts before meeting the entire gang at the Tailgate! Carin’s sister Diana, also a very good friend, was there with her fiancĂ©! We are thrilled for them and it was so good to finally meet Nathan… they are totally adorable and so in love…
 Just like these guys… and of course Carin is glowing with baby number 2! So much excitement and joy for these amazing girls that I am so blessed to have in my life! I love you from the bottom of my heart!
The boys ran and played and ate until they were completely worn out! It was the BEST day and we cannot wait until next year!
Or maybe 2032...

1 comment:

  1. Gig Em!



    Liam told me to write that.
