So, we tried the Bumbo seat last week because Liam kept pulling himself up to try and be in a seated position. He wants to be a part of everything and see everything! He loved the new seat! He can watch himself in the mirror while mommy puts on her makeup - we are fascinated with ourselves!
I can also only post this next picture while he is young, but I am just such a PROUD mommy! I come from a family of "no butts." I mean, have you seen the movie Coneheads where the alien guy gets out of the shower and he has a flat behind? Yes, that is me. What I would give to actually fill out the bottoms of my favorite jeans. I married a man with the greatest butt if I do say so myself and I have been watching to see what our little Liam has been given... He has a butt!!! I am sure if you compare our baby photos I did not have this much junk in my trunk!
One last little proud parent moment is that Liam is almost rolling completely over from his back to his tummy. He just needs to tuck that shoulder under and we will have a little rolly polly! He already goes from tummy to back from time to time, so it shouldn't be long now! If you give him a little nudge onto his belly he squeals in excitement as he is so proud of himself! I will keep you posted. He is also holding his own bottle! He gets tired in the middle so I have to help, but we love our bottle!
YAY for Bumbo Butts!